Get all VCMod data related to this repair man NPC.
Used in: VCMod Main addon.
Shared Entity Repair Man:VC_RM_getInfo()
1. Integer Repair mans ID.
2. String Repair mans name.
3. String Repair mans model.
4. Table Repair mans data. This only works severside!. This includes all VCMod data assosiated with it.
concommand.Add("VC_RM_getInfo", function() local NPC = ents.FindByClass("vc_npc_repair")[1] if IsValid(NPC) then local ID, name, model, data = ply:VC_CD_getVehicleData() print("Repair mans information: ID - "..ID..", name - "", model - "..model..".") else print("No repair men spawned.") end end)