Triggers vehicles backfire. This is automatically triggered when vehicles engine is in poor health or exhaust has been destroyed.
Used in: VCMod Main addon.
Server Entity Vehicle:VC_doBackfire(Boolean doDamage, Boolean damagedOnly)
1. Boolean doDamage; Engine damage.
Should this backfire slighly damage the engine, like it is by default?
2. Boolean damagedOnly; Only fire damaged ones
If true, it will only create effects for the damaged exhaust(s).
concommand.Add("vehicle_makecargobang", function() local ent = player.GetAll()[1]:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().Entity if IsValid(ent) then ent:VC_doBackfire(true, false) print("Vehicle has just been forcefully backfired in all exhausts.") else print("Invalid entity.") end end)