Server Entity Vehicle:VC_damagePart(String class, Integer object, Entity att, Entity inf)
1. String class; Class
The class of the object. Can be: 'wheel', 'exhaust', 'light'
2. Integer object; Object
The object of the class that you want to damage.
3. Entity att; Attacker
The player/NPC entity which the damage originated from. This argument is optional.
4. Entity inf; Inflictor
Entity which the damage was inflicted with, such as a weapon. This argument is optional.
concommand.Add("vehicle_damage_front_left_wheel", function() local ent = player.GetAll()[1]:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().Entity if IsValid(ent) then local att = nil local inf = nil ent:VC_damagePart("wheel", 1, att, inf) print("Your front left wheel is now damaged.") print("Turning vehicles hazard lights on.") else print("Invalid entity.") end end)