This will force this vehicle to only use this custom horn from now on.
Used in: VCMod Main, VCMod ELS addons.
Server Entity Vehicle:VC_setHornCustom(String snd, Integer pitch, Integer vol, Integer lvl)
1. String snd; Sound name
If nil, it will remove any custom sounds. This is local to "Sound" directory, so it should look something like this: "vcmod/horn/light.wav".
2. Integer pitch; Pitch (optional)
0-255, 100 is default
3. Integer vol; Volume (optional)
0-1, pretty self-explanatory, controls how loud it is.
4. Integer lvl; Level (optional)
0-100 this is essentially "how far it can be heard" option. Default is 85.
concommand.Add("vehicle_changecarshorn", function() local ent = player.GetAll()[1]:GetEyeTraceNoCursor().Entity if IsValid(ent) then ent:VC_setHornCustom("vcmod/horn/general_lee.wav") print("This vehicle now has a general lee horn.") else print("Invalid entity.") end end)