Called before money is being added to users wallet. This is mostly for custom gamemode compatibility.
Used in: VCMod Main, VCMod ELS addons.
Server GM:VC_canAddMoney(Entity ply, Integer amount, String info)
1. Entity ply; Player
Player who is doing it.
2. Integer amount; Amount
The amount of money.
3. String info; Information
Has a prefix_variable structure. Current prefixes: CDvehBuy, CDvehSell, CDvehReturn, RMrepairs, FuelPurchase.
1. Boolean Returning false will stop the default VCMod alterations to players wallet.
hook.Add("VC_canAddMoney", "VC_RestrictSellingSpecificVehicle", function(ply, amount, info) // Split the info into prefix and a variable local data = string.Explode("_", info) // Get the prefix local prefix = data[1] // Remove prefix from data chunks data[1] = nil // Get the variable local var = string.Implode("_", data) if var and prefix == "CDvehSell" then local model, name, skin = VC_CD_getvehicleDataFromID(var) if model == "models/vehicle.mdl" then print("Player :"..ply:Nick().." is attempting to sell that one blocked vehicle, stopping.") return end end print("Player :"..ply:Nick().." is receiving "..amount.." amount of money.") // Lets call our custom gamemode function disAwesomeGamemode.giveMoney(ply, amount) local can = false return can end)