
GM: can Change State

Called before a player or something on the server is attempting to change a state.

Used in: VCMod Main, VCMod ELS addons.

Shared GM:VC_canChangeState(Entity ent, String id, Mixed new, Mixed old, Entity ply)


1. Entity ent; Entity
Entity of which the state will be changed.

2. String id; State ID
The state reference ID.

3. Mixed new; New state
The new state, could be any type of variable or nil.

4. Mixed old; Old state
The new state, could be any type of variable or nil.

5. Entity ply; Player
This might not be valid if its not called by a player.


1. Boolean If it should allow the state to change or not.


hook.Add("VC_canChangeState", "VC_canChangeState_test", function(ent, id, new, old, ply)
	if IsValid(ply) and id == "HornOn" and string.find(ply:Nick(), "freemmaann") and new == true and !old then

		print("That naughty freemmann is attempting to use horn, lets stop him.")
		local can = false
		return can
Page modified:
...2018-11-02 09:24:34